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SWC Plot Registration application form
Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Applicant Information
* Name :
* Role :
Download Letter of Authority Template : Download
Upload Letter of Authority for Property Registration on company’s letter head Upload
(File format: PDF,JPG, JPEG, File size upto 3 MB)
Note: Please do not use any of these & ,* % . @ : \ / ( ) special characters in the Letter of Authority
Address :
Upto 500 characters.
State : District :
City/Town :
Contact Phone :
* Contact Mobile :
Education Qualification : Special Category :
* Contact Email :
Preference Category :
Registered Office Details
* Company Name :
Address :
Upto 500 characters.
State : District :
City / Town :
Phone :
Fax :
Website :
* Constitution Type :
* Contact Email1 :
Contact Email3 :
Contact Email2 :
Contact Email4 :
Note: Contacts will receive email alerts on MIDC Queries & Processing at the above email addresses.
Property Details
Is Plot MIDC or Non-MIDC ? :
District of present unit :
* Industrial Area of present unit :
* Property Form :
* Type of Property :
* Present Property No. (Plot/Shed/Gala) :
* Plot Area in m2 :
Plot/Unit Contact Information
Unit Phone No. :
Unit Fax No. :
Unit Email Address :
* Type of Industry/Activity :
Description of Selected Activity :
EM Acknowledgement Number
(If Applicable)
Date of Acknowledgement : Select Date
  Application for Right of Way Permission (RoW)  
   I / We submit herewith application form for grant of Right of Way for Plot No  in Industrial Area  
* Type of Connection:
* Service Provider Name:
I/We hereby declare that the information provided by me/us is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. I am/We are well aware of the fact that if the Information given by me/us is proved false/not true, I/We will have to face the punishment as per the law. Also, all the benefits availed by me/us shall be summarily withdrawn.
Document to be enclosed
Sr.No.Document NameIs Mandatory
1 Copy of approval letter regarding sanction of Electricity connection / Gas connection / OFC connectivity from respective service provider. [Mandatory] Mandatory
2 Block Plan showing Tapping point and route for Electricity connection / Gas connection / OFC connectivity service connection. [Mandatory] Mandatory

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