To know more about how to set up your unit in MIDC and the various permissions required please see Entrepreneur Zone

It is to notify to all the existing users of MIDC-SWC that duplicate/ multiple registrations shall not be allowed in the SWC portal. MIDC reserves the right to block such users and they will not be allowed to use SWC.

Single Window Clearance system at Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) is a facility provided to industries and entrepreneurs with a commitment to promote Ease of Doing Business in Maharashtra by streamlining different processes and approvals required to establish and operate a business.

The system acts as a single point of contact for requesting various services, submitting supporting documents and make necessary payments through online mode. It also provides the department, a system to process the applications online.

In case where the user has forgotten the login credentials or has submitted incorrect email ID/ phone no or wishes to change any of them, please apply for Email replacement. Email Replacement Template Click Here

Change of Ownership after Death of Plot Holder, applicable only for Proprietors / Individual Plot Holders Click Here


User Registration
While registering on MAITRI,please ensure the email address entered is not already in use in existing system.

Apply for a plot.
For all details related to Plot Allotment in MIDC Industrial Areas.

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