As per MIDC's Disposal of Land Regulations, 1975 and as per guidelines issued in accordance with the decisions taken by Board of MIDC / Chief Executive Officer, MIDC, allotment of plots/sheds/galas in industrial areas developed by Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation is made to the needy entrepreneurs.
In the Industrial Areas where more than 80% of plots are allotted, for the remaining vacant plots the land will be allotted by e‐ Bidding. Regular advertisements will be issued through leading national newspapers. To apply for a plot, visit the MahaTenders portal. To view the plot on map, visit the MIDC GIS portal.
In the Industrial Areas where less than 80% of plots are allotted, for the remaining vacant plots the land will be allotted by direct allotment through Land Allotment Committee ﴾LAC﴿. Regular advertisements will be issued through leading national newspapers. To apply for a plot, visit the MahaTenders portal. To view the plot on map, visit the MIDC GIS portal.
Allotment of plots in all industrial areas under Priority Category (e.g. mega projects approved by Govt., FDI Units, units manufacturing products/machinery for Defence Dept., Fortune Global / Economic Times companies etc.) and for expansion of Existing Units will be done through applications submitted online to the concerned authority (Regional Officers / Dy. Chief Executive Officers / Jt. Chief Executive Officers) followed by LAC under the chairmanship of Jt. Chief Executive Officer.